Mar 24, 2023
Detective Drama Series ‘The Mysterious Mortons’ In The Works At CBS From Amy Rardin, George Northy & Laurie Zaks
CBS Studios is developing The Mysterious Mortons, a detective drama series for CBS from Amy Rardin (Charmed), George Northy (Charmed), and Laurie Zaks (Castle), Deadline has learned.
The show follows a homicide detective who enlists his quirky family of mystery writers to assist him in cracking the cases that perplex the authorities.
Rardin and Northy will serve as writers and executive producers; Zaks executive produces under her banner Rosewood TV.
Rardin is currently an executive producer/writer on Amazon/Temple Hill’s Teton. She previously served as head writer and co-executive producer on Marvel/Disney+’s Echo, and co-creator/executive producer on the reboot of Charmed for the CW. She also served as co-executive producer and writer for four seasons of Jane The Virgin for the CW and began her staffing career on ABC Family’s Greek. Rardin is repped by Verve and Sugar23.